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Novel 3D CT scanner

Our project regards by development and innovation of very low dose 3D CT diagnostic device of novel construction and entering product to the world market. The target of this project is innovation of already developed own construction 3D CT scanner with use of monolithic semiisolated (SI) GaAs detectors and its clinical performance. This sensitive 3D CT scanner is very suitable for 3D mammography and will ensure important prediction of prognosis for women with the disease of breast cancer. Early and accurate detection has become worldwide an important point in cancer care. Our novel 3D CT scanner generates lower dose radiation than currently used 3D breast scanners. This allows more frequent preventive examinations without the risk of increased radiation doses. 3D mammography devices commercially used at present are in fact improved 2D scanners with additional software. Screening is usually uncomfortable because of applied pressure on breasts. Our solution uses novel SI GaAs detectors, unique rotating scanning head in combination with special TSS (Tube Scanning Slot) and addition of a vacuum generator, what together ensures great results, while the screening process is very comfortable and safe to patient.

Very low dose 3D CT scanner innovation project


Our 3D CT device has next important advantages:

  • has very low dose radiation /thanks to (SI) GaAs detectors technology/

  • is fully mobile /thanks to wheels/

  • is of small dimension /size of fax/copy machine on wheels/

  • has low energy requirements /thanks to application of (SI) GaAs detectors /

  • no additional and expensive cooling is needed /thanks to (SI) GaAs detectors, other types of

  • sanners require an additional room for cooling technology with expensive cooling agents/

  • is a multi-purpose /health, industry, machinery, automotive, defence, security industries/

  • has unique construction of rotating tube slot /scanned object is fixed and detectors are rotating/

At present 98% of mammography devices used in EU are of 2D type (less accurate, uncomfortable). In USA, Japan, Australia and other countries are 3D mammography scanners used more often because of preferring by patients. Potential worldwide expansion of these devices in the near future is huge. Demand on 3D mammography devices raise from both main target groups - patients and health care service providers.


Novelty of our 3D CT device lays in unique construction, own very low radiation dose GaAs detectors, comfortable “No stress – No Pain” scanning process, multipurpose usage (3D Computer Tomography device intended to operate mainly as 3D mammography device, but applicable also in screening of brain, limbs, etc or 3D screening used for surgery and microsurgery applications). 3D device should be also used as 3D non-destructive inspection of materials, but its potential should be more exploited in clinical application and generally health service.

Our novel 3D CT diagnostic device will be unique because of:


  • extra low radiation dose needed for scanning test

  • stable and durable detector constructed from semi-isolatedGaAs of own construction an design

  • 3D DBT detectors operating at room temperature (no need of expensive and large cooling system)

  • Lower market price for 3D mammography device than currently are on the market

  • Unique TSS (Tube Scanning Slot), without generating uncomfortable pressure on patient breasts. Transportability – whole 3D-DBT device is a small scale device with low energy consumption. It can be used also in mobile surgery, mobile hospitals, mobile screening

  • 3D diagnostic device will be easily adapted to provide brain 3D CT tomography, 3D screening of limbs and should be also used for microsurgery applications. Only limitation is size of the screening tube

  • Novel 3D Mammography Increases Cancer Detection and Reduces Call-Back Rate

  • 360° rotation of detection is available – the best competitor has only 50°

The team


3D CT scanner was developed by company researchers and specialists.

The team leader of this project and responsible technical leader of the project

is Prof. Ing. Ján Mudroň Csc., who is working in company for many years

as R&D leader and supervisor.

Other main specialist of the team: Prof. František Dubecký PhD,

Mgr. Bohumír Zaťko, Prof. Ing. DrSc. Frollo Ivan PhD., RNDr. Alojz Bajči, PhD.,

Ing. Vladimír Kotyk, Ing. Vladimír Uhrík, and others.

Stakeholders involved: production and developer MTC SLOVAKIA a.s.,

local strategic partner (Radiological clinic s.r.o. and Slovak Radiological Society).

As research partner, the Slovak academy of Science are involved. As specialist

from medical area the Faculty of Health, University of Alexander Dubček at Trencin

and Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava are involved.

X-RAY Images of insect made by 3D scanner

3D CT scanner first edition demonstration device

© 2022  MTC SLOVAKIA, a. s.

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