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Drones of MTC SLOVAKIA, j.s.c. forms a com- prehensive range based on aircraft in the duck concept. This was chosen after a number of previous tests with individual variants of UAV resources. Its advantage is high aerodynamic effi- ciecy, excellent stability and maneuverability. It re- tains these features throughout the flight envelope.

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The version with a take-off weight of 25 kg is primarily intended for camera use. Versions with a take-off weight of 200 kg and more are primarily intended as a carrier for cargo. These versions can also be used for camera surveillance. In addition to camera equipment, these drones can also carry other types of sensors. These versions are expected to start and land on the runway, they are equipped with a chassis as standard. 




Drone concept quadrocopter driven by four electric motors with tilting propellers. The supporting struc- ture of the drone is made of composite materials. Upon request, the drone can also be equipped with another flight control system. The drone can be delivered complete with a ground station. The power supply is solved by means of two LiPo 6s cells connected in series. Depending on the required endurance and load capacity of the drone, capacities of 2x5.5Ah - 2x22Ah can be used.

The control unit board is located on the upper part of the drone structure, the battery cell hinge on the lower part of the structure. This solution allows a variable load hanger adapter to be attached under the battery hanger. In the basic version, it is suitable as a camera carrier for observation. Due to its flight characteristics, it can be used as a carrier for special sensors in slow ground flight. The construction is also adapted for the possi- bility of hanging loads weighing up to 9 kg. The control unit is also able to control additional functions, such as unlocking the cargo door or uncoupling the cargo hinge.

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